Media Request Form

Here you will find a table of contents for the entire SHS Choir archive from our videographer and photographer Cameron Justice. A select amount of content is available here on the choir website but if there is a solo performance or specific group number not found here that you would like please fill out the google form below and Cameron will get in contact with you and help you get whichever pictures or videos you'd like.

Table of contents 1

2013-2014 school year

2014-2015 school year

2015-2016 school year

Table of contents 2

2016-2017 school year

2017-2018 school year

2018-2019 school year

2020-2021 school year

Table of contents 3

2021-2022 school year

2022-2023 school year

2023-2024 school year

Table of contents 4

Bonus Theatre Archive